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E-Commerce Communication


E-Commerce Communication provides technology for promotional B2B communications based on e-commerce.

Soluta allows you to develop an email automation strategy to stimulate customers to make new purchases, setting up communications on best sellers or new arrivals.


Boost your e-commerce:

Lead to re-purchase

Get your customers to buy again from your e-commerce platform by integrating marketing automation flows and sending specific communications for e-commerce.

Integrate your e-commerce

Integrate your e-commerce with your CRM platform to centralise all your data and facilitate its management.


Tools to improve your e-commerce:

  • Integration e-commerce platform and e-commerce products
  • Software Marketing Automation
  • Generic product recommendation 

The operational steps of the project


  • Choice of tools
  • Development of a strategy based on company's objectives


  • Configuration of marketing automation flows
  • Integration of e-commerce platform and e-commerce products
  • Configuration of software marketing automation
  • Product recommendation 



  • Support in creating the content and design of emails linked to e-commerce activities:
    • abandoned cart
    • seasonal emails
    • various flows





  • Performance analysis and subsequent improvements

Did you know that...

Did you know that you can integrate your e-commerce platform with your CRM to help you manage your customer data and create workflows? With the E-Commerce Communication solution, Soluta takes care of the integration of your e-commerce and configures marketing automation flows based on your needs, helping you create personalized emails based on users online behaviour.


To boost your e-commerce and increase your sales, you can use promotional campaigns. These types of automations can be different, and include: seasonal offers, holiday offers, coupons, discovery purchases, giveaways, etc.
If you are interested in learning more about this topic click on the button to learn about Soluta's Promotional Campaigns solution!


Find out more about the product




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Are you ready to start growing your business? 

Ask for a demo of our solutions or write to us for more information.