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Sales Enterprise Solutions

Manage all your sales activities with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system

Soluta's approach to CRM


CRM Consultation

Analysis of the existing process and definition of the business objectives of the CRM project, to improve the performance of the sales team and simplify their work.

CRM Integration
Integration of existing system database (e.g. ERP) and customization of CRM platform to improve sales opportunities and conversions.
CRM Migration

Data migration from one system to another. This way you can maintain data by adopting new tools and improving processes.

Enterprise Solution

Increase and monitor your Sales Teams performance

CRM Platform

Soluta helps you choose the best CRM solutions to manage sales opportunities, integrate commercial data into a single cohesive system and increase sales performance, through these features:

Contacts & Lists

Track the stages of opportunities

  Real-time customer data

Commercial activity monitoring

Sales Pipeline

Soluta defines the best customization with the customer to optimize the sales process, through:

Pipeline Management

Sales previsions

  Organizzazione of sales process

Tasks & Reminders

Commercial Activities

Soluta offers a tool that is easy to use for salespeople and to facilitate the organization of tasks, negotiations, reminders and internal communications, through:

Commercial automation

  Opportunity monitoring

  Email and calendar integrations

Commercial performance monitoring

Commercial Dashboards

Soluta helps you create and define analysis reports for KPI monitoring, and provides the tools to analyze performance and measure the effectiveness of commercial initiatives, through:

Custom Dashboards

Custom Reports


RFM Analysis

Let's get to know each other!

Do you want to start a new CRM project? Do you already have a CRM and want to improve it?

Contact us to find out more.