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How to write a CV for a job application: Step by Step Guide

Are you looking for an internship, school project or a job? A cv is your first key to unlock your opportunity. 

In this article, we’ll go over exactly what a CV is and how to make one with our step-by-step guide.


What is a CV for a job?

A curriculum vitae (CV) is a document used to apply for a job  that overviews your skills, work experience (if applicable), and education.

Before start creating your cv, you have to decide on a cv format and style. 

Open a new document in Microsoft Word or Google Docs and use the following settings:

  1. Set ½ – 1” margins on each side
  2. Use a font size between 10 and 12 points
  3. Select a professional font such as Times New Roman or Arial

Alternatively, you can simply create your CV within the Europass Web, which is very easy, you only need to fill your personal information or you can search for a template on Canva. 


Now is the time to start creating your cv!

Here are seven basic steps that can guide you:

1. Create a header with contact information

Your header should be at the top of the page and include your name, phone number and email address so employers immediately know who you are and how to reach you. 


2. Add a professional picture for yourself (optional)

It’s optional to add a picture for yourself but we recommend it as it reflect your current image that can help you appear more professional and transparent during the hiring process. 


3. Write a professional summary

Your professional summary is a short bio at the top of your cv, that introduces you to the reader. This section sums up your best qualifications and explains what are you looking for. 


4. Detail your education

Since your are a student or graduate, your educational history is essential. List your education starting with your most recent degree or the current one, followed by the one earned in the past. 


5. Provide your work experience (in case you have past experience)

Detail all your practical work experience so your employer can see your career path, including:

  • Full-time and part-time employment
  • Internships
  • School projects
  • Research projects
  • Volunteer work

Include the title of your position, the name and location of employer and employment dates. Below this, list two to three bullet points that explain your job duties.


6. List your relevant skills

List all your abilities such as foreign languages or technologies skills. Try to include skills that relate to the job description to promote yourself to the desired job. 


7. Add your personal interests (optional) or your awards 

You can choose to include your hobbies, interests or your awards. Including a few of them may help you form a personal connection with the employer. 


When you write your cv, take into consideration those advices

  • Always use the same style 
  • Use headings and bullet points to make it easier to read

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After following our steps and creating a winning resume, you can take the next step and check out our open positions . Our HR team is waiting for you, will review your cv within 1-2 business days and get in touch with you!